Self-Help Books & Products

Here you will find self-help books, products and more from Dr. Susan Heitler. Here goal is to help you feel better and life a happier life.

For many people, do-it-yourself (a.k.a. DIY) self-help books are a great was to supplement other therapy or counseling services.

Below are resources for healing depression, anger, anxiety, conflict resolution and relationship challenges. Use these self-help books, audios, and video resources to handle the challenging situations in your life.

Self Help Books: Anxiety: Friend of Foe?
Self-Help Books: Conflict Resolution for Couples
Self-Help Books: Depression: a Disorder of Power
Prescriptions Without Pills
The Win-Win Waltz
From Conflict to Resolution
David Decides About Thumbsucking
The Power of Two: Secrets to a Strong & Loving Marriage
The Power of Two Workbook: Communication Skills for a Strong and Loving Marriage
The Angry Couple