The Hand Map for How To Help Someone With Depression
As you walk down the road of life, from time to time you will bump — ! —into difficult situations. The five possible pathways you can take from there will determine how you feel. If you want to know how to help someone with depression, or to help yourself, it’s important to understand which pathway has led to the depressed feelings.
The Fold Road leads to depression. Once you feel depressed, finding solutions to the bump you have encountered becomes all the more difficult because depression creates a sense of powerlessness, smallness, self-blame, and hopelessness.
This page offers resources to help you return to well-being if, in a problem situation, someone you want to help, or you yourself, have taken the Fold Road, that is, the pathway of giving up on getting what you want.
Scroll down to find videos and worksheets to guide the way to feeling better.
How To Help Someone With Depression –
That Was Then; This Is Now — A Visualization Technique for Releasing Negative Feelings and Thoughts
The Best Possible Light — a technique for feeling and doing better.
Introduction to The 3 P’s — for lifting away depression’s dark cloud
Rapid Relief of Depression — new treatment options using energy therapy innovations.
The 3 P’s — for lifting away depression’s dark cloud