Susan Heitler PhD

SUSAN HEITLER PhD is a Denver clinical psychologist and widely-read author.
Educated at Harvard and NYU, Susan Heitler (pronounced Height-ler) offers self-help information for individuals and for couples .
Dr. Heitler also writes for therapists, offering new understandings and treatments for anxiety, anger, depression, narcissism, and relationship challenges.
This web-page provides an overview with links to Dr. Heitler's 40+ years of books. blogposts, articles, podcasts, videos, webinars, online marriage education program, and more.
Exploring her work hopefully will clarify why Dr. Susan Heitler has earned a national and international reputation as one of America's leading psychologists.
Dr. Heitler's Bump Theory offers an integrative model for understanding emotional distress and health.
Dr. Heitler's Hand Map
Learn the pathways that lead to either emotional distress or well-being.

Dr. Heitler's TEDx Talk on Depression
Dr. Heitler's additional publications include:
☛ The ground-breaking integrative therapy book From Conflict to Resolution, bringing conflict resolution know-how from the business and legal worlds to the practice of therapy.
☛ The Angry Couple, a master therapist video used worldwide in marriage therapist training programs.
☛ The Power of Two book and workbook, plus an interactive online marriage education program called These resources teach the skills that enable couples to enjoy strong relationships.
☛ The Win-Win Waltz, a video illustrating Power of Two Marriage Skills Workshops and demonstrating win-win conflict resolution.
☛ Prescriptions Without Pills, a book plus free free worksheets and videos on the website offering techniques for relieving depression, anger, anxiety and more.
☛ Continuing education podcasts, webinars and articles for therapy professionals. Dr. Heitler's treatment techniques enhance therapists' potency.
☛ Blogposts, including her blog on which has received over 13 million reads.
☛ A new way of understanding narcissism—as a disorder of listening.
☛ Six foreign editions of her books.
☛ Lectures and workshops for therapists across the US and in Austria, Australia, Canada, China, Israel, Spain, Turkey, Lebanon and the UAE; and most recently, as the keynote speaker at the first pan-Arab psychology conference.
For additional links and a complete listing of Dr. Susan Heitler's resources, please continue to scroll down.
Dr. Heitler
More About Susan Heitler